At InStorage, it is easy to choose your preferred payment options for your convenience.
Check Payments
InStorage accepts payments via check during office hours from 9am to 6pm.
Make all payments to “Clairmont Realty & Development Corp.”
Credit Card
Credit card payments can be made:
- At the facility – by swiping your card during office hours from 9am to 6pm;
- Via our website – just logon to your account, and click pay;
- Auto debit – enroll your credit card in our auto debit / autopay program for your convenience.
A convenience fee is charged for all credit card payments.
Direct Bank Deposit
Deposit your payments directly to our bank account:
Bank: Asia United Bank
Account Name: Clairmont Realty and Development Corp.
Account No.: 082-01-000185-1
Bank: Metrobank
Account Name: Clairmont Realty and Development Corp.
Account No.: 035-3-03551365-6
Send a picture of the deposit slip together with your name and storage number either to or WhatsApp to 0917-160-1111, to ensure proper crediting of payment.